Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of International Economics, Government & Business at Copenhagen Business School. I am also a fellow at Wharton's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Initiative. I was previously a postdoctoral fellow at both Princeton University and the University of Stellenbosch Business School. I earned a joint PhD in risk management and political science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
My research interests include socio-political risk management, multinational strategy, and the politics of foreign direct investment. I co-founded the Business & Conflict Research Initiative, which is a consortium of scholars that generate insight on the many complex inter-relationships between the private sector, conflict and peace, human security, and human development. My research has been generously funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Bay and Paul Foundations, the Christensen Foundation, BlackRock, Brown Advisory, Interpeace, and EY. You can read about my current projects on the research page. I coordinate two courses for Copenhagen Business School's International Business and Politics degree: Political Economy of Development (BSc.) and Political Science (BSc.). |